Educational and General (E&G) space – Space used for teaching, research, or the preservation of knowledge, including the proportional share used for those activities in any building or facility used jointly with auxiliary enterprise, or space that is permanently unassigned. E&G space is supported by State appropriations.
Non-Educational and General (Non-E&G) —Space not used for teaching, research, or the preservation of knowledge. This includes areas dedicated to auxiliary enterprises, administrative functions, or any other activities not directly related to educational or general purposes. Note, non-E&G space is not defined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. These spaces are traditionally self-supported.
Assignable space – Areas within the institution’s walls of rooms on all floors of a building assigned to, or available for assignment to, an occupant or use, excluding unassigned space. Space can be Assignable E&G or Assignable Non E&G.
Non-Assignable space – Space that is not assigned as it is used to support the overall building operations. This includes restrooms, elevators, circulation areas such as hallways and lobbies, stairways, custodial service storage spaces, and mechanical areas, all of which are not assigned directly to a specific owner. Spaces that are not included above, but directly serve offices, classrooms, laboratories, etc., are classified with the appropriate corresponding code.
Space designation – How areas on campus are designated according to use and purpose.
Unassigned space – Areas within the institution’s walls of rooms on all floors of a building that are not assigned to, or available for assignment to, an occupant or use and are not considered non-assignable space. Space can be unassigned E&G or unassigned Non-E&G.
Vacant – Similar to unassigned space, vacant space refers to areas that are currently not in use due to renovation or other circumstances. Spaces are not assigned to, or available for assignment to, an occupant or use and are not considered non-assignable space.